Yoga is an old Indian science which aims at transforming the Body and Mind to peace by practicing mentally, and spiritually, achieving a plateau of transformation.
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Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor
Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor

Discover the true meaning of yoga with this ancient practice rooted in Indian tradition. Experience harmony with nature as you unite your mind, body, and spirit. At its core, yoga is about self-discovery and self-awareness. By engaging in various postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation, practitioners can delve deeper into their inner selves, gaining insight into their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. 

Decorating a yoga room with hand-carved wall sculptures of deities like Buddha, Krishna, and Ganesha can further enhance the ambiance and spiritual atmosphere of the space. These Hindu dieties represent various aspects of harmony, wisdom, and enlightenment, serving as reminders of the journey towards finding balance and serenity within oneself.


Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor

Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor

Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras provide a systematic and philosophical foundation for understanding the purpose of yoga and its practical application in daily life. His teachings have had a profound influence on various schools of yoga, including Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Jnana Yoga, among others. Including mantras in yoga meditation enhances the practise as you still your mind and energize your spirit. Malabeads align the chakras and help in gounding the self to Mother Nature.


Enhance your spiritual journey with our Hindu sculptures and meditation altars.

Yoga altars, adorned with divine sculptures such as Shiva, Parvati, and Ganesha, serve as focal points for devotion and meditation. Shiva, the supreme yogi, represents the transcendent aspect of consciousness and the transformative power of meditation. Parvati embodies the divine feminine energy, nurturing and supportive in nature. Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, symbolizes auspicious beginnings and spiritual progress.

A hand-carved marble sculpture depicting Shiva, Parvati, and Ganesha sitting on Mount Kailash can serve as a powerful representation of the divine trinity and the sacredness of the spiritual journey

Our carefully curated pieces serve as receptacles for divine energy. Explore our collection at Mogul Interior.
Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor
Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor
Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor
Spiritual Yoga Interiors and Decor
We bring to you spiritual sculptures of as well as bohemian clothing that is relaxed and loose much as the free spirit needs during its spiritual journey. As the "Yoga Guru," Patanjali is venerated for his role in elucidating the path to spiritual realization and inner freedom through the practice of yoga. His timeless wisdom continues to inspire and guide countless seekers on their journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment.

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