Our Yoga Altars are designed to help invigorate your meditation practice, offering a creative way to explore the meditative practices and deeply rooted symbols of vedic philosophy and yoga. Hand crafted by artisans, these sculptural altars will become a lasting part of your personal yoga journey.

Enhance your practice and bring serenity to your yoga or meditation space with elegant hand-crafted sculptures and wall pieces featuring Hindu deities. Ganesha, Krishna, Shiva, and Buddha are among the divine figures available to bring peace and tranquility to your decor.

Yoga Sculptures fill your body and mind with good energy vibes. Hindu gods like Ganesha seated on a lotus in the blessing pose, brings serenity, wisdom, and positivity. Buddha is the ideal figure for those seeking peace and relaxation or to enhance their meditation techniques. A Meditation Buddha statue creates a tranquil, soothing area in one's living space to step away and de-stress.

Shiva, also known as Dancing Natraja, is one of the powerful trinity within the Hindu faith. The trinity consists of Brahma, representing the creation of the universe; Vishnu, symbolizing the wise preserver; and Shiva, the transforming destroyer - a force not of destruction, but of renewal that allows for the continual rebirth of all things.

Yoga is a lifestyle promoting good karma and serenity, and holistic sculptures are an essential component of this practice, infusing homes with positive energy and aligning chi.

Reciting the Lord Ganesha mantra prior to a new venture invokes protection and wisdom. Ganesha, a beloved divine figure in Hinduism, is renowned for being able to remove obstacles and represent the first chakra energy, the macrocosmic field of intelligence, and the capacity to move past doubt and misperception.

Elephants are well-known for their intelligence and perception. The large head of the elephant is symbolic of Wisdom and Understanding. Ganesha personifies both knowledge and action. Elephants persistently move forwards, never wavering from their assigned path and removing any barriers in their way - demonstrating perseverance. Summoning these same qualities, we strive to realize our ambitions with the grace of Lord Ganesha.

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