Step into a world where the whispers of ancient Havelis echo through time, where antique doors in vintage teak woods and sunwashed earthy patinas stand as architectural marvels of India's rich heritage with varied influences of British, Spanish & Mediterranean design. These vintage doors, carefully restored to their original splendor while preserving their ornate designs and hardware and intricate ornamentation of brass stars & medallions, are treasures steeped in history and culture. Delve deeper into the intricate details of the carved finials, the texture and thickness of woods of these antique doors, each revolving around a period of India's cultural legacy and architectural finesse.

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

At Mogul Interior, a carefully curated collection of antique doors awaits, each bearing witness to the grandeur of a bygone era. From veranda arches to triple archways, these architectural elements are imbued with the soul of ancient Havelis, adding an exotic & eclectic flair to any home fortunate enough to embrace them. Explore the old world craftsmanship and intricate designs of these antique doors, each carrying tales of generations past from a rich historical era.

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

Renowned for their discerning eye and dedication to authenticity, Mogul Interior offers a diverse array of vintage doors inspired by the diverse regions of India. From the vibrant indigo hues of Jodhpur, to the dusty sandstone forts in Jaipur, the Pink City, to the majestic fortresses of Rajasthan, the Massive Antique India Doors that served as gates bring with them stunning architectural detail. Elaborately carved lentils with Kalash and mandala and Ganesha, the lord of the threshold, these doors were more than just entrances.The Kalash and Mandala Ganesha hold significant cultural and spiritual symbolism in Indian traditions, particularly when depicted on the lentil of a door. The Kalash is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, representing abundance, purity, and auspiciousness. It is commonly depicted as a pot or urn filled with water and topped with a coconut and mango leaves. The Kalash symbolizes completeness and totality, with the water inside representing the primordial essence of life. Placing the Kalash on the lentil of a door signifies protection and blessings for the household, welcoming positive energy and prosperity into the home.Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity, is revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom, intellect, and new beginnings in Hinduism. A Lotus Mandala is a geometric pattern representing the universe, often used as a spiritual symbol in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.The imagery of Ganesha with the intricate patterns of a mandala, symbolizes the harmony and balance within the cosmos. When carved on the lentil of a door, Lotus Mandala & Ganesha serves as a guardian, warding off obstacles and bringing auspiciousness to all who enter the threshold.

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

Together, the Kalash, Lotus Mandala & Ganesha on the lentil of an Indian door create a sacred gateway, inviting positive energy and divine blessings into the home. They serve as reminders of the establishing harmony with nature, fostering a sense of love, protection, and abundance for those who reside within

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

Antique Indian doors are prized for their artisan craftsmanship, a rarity in todays time, these ornate carved doors create statement decor in resorts and hotels worldwide, where they infuse spaces with the the eclecticism of old-world architecture.

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

But the allure of antique Indian doors extends beyond mere aesthetics. In modern homes, these restored treasures serve as a bridge between past and present, used as library or study room doors their opulent carvings and symbolic motifs infuse spaces with a sense of architectural majesty and global .

Antique India Haveli Doors & Architectural Elements

For interior designers, vintage carved doors adorned with the iconic tree of life motif offer not only visual beauty but also a connection to a rich heritage of varied cultural influences of Indian, British, Spanish and Mediterranean design. 

Come visit MOGUL INTERIOR warehouse in Longwood, close to Orlando, please call to to set up an appointment
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